An outside organization handles
ordering, production and distribution of material
published by H.H. Alexandra. Any funds
received by them in excess of book expenses are used to
do good works (as H.H. Alexandra encourages) and
meet expenses that support her websites and
distribution of information. H.H. Alexandra has not, and
does not, receive proceeds from their
outside organization will soon have a separate
page for you to go to that is automated for
orders. In the interim, if you are
interested in any of the products below, please email
us with your name and country and what you
would like and we will forward it to them so they
can provide you with costs, issue online invoices
and fulfill your order.
Holiness has long provided a wealth of
free information and help for people (11 years of
free radio shows, marathon peace broadcasts, years
of posting her prophecies for free until the
volunteers discovered that unscrupulous ones were
taking the information and selling it as their
own, years of posting free writings and
blogs, providing remote healing and blessings and
giving support financially, spiritually and
emotionally to those in need). There are no
3rd party ads on her sites. There are no
affiliations or sponsors footing the bills.
please know that when you purchase a book you are
also helping to support getting Her Holiness'
message out and thereby helping thousands of

If there is one book that you will want to have to alert you to
the TRUTH, prepare you for the FUTURE, be a resource for your SAFETY
and SURVIVAL, and a GUIDELINE for day-to-day living, this is
it! "Be in the Know" is the book you will refer to over and over again to become
aware and be empowered. A 'must have' for you, your
family and friends. Includes information you cannot find
elsewhere, from a true living prophet. (Includes Her Holiness'
prophecies.) Scholars, professors and those who
are spiritually ripe, love this book.
This book is an investment in life for the serious
spiritual seeker. |

people who do not have "Be in the Know,"
(per above), this book "Your Future, Your
Choice: Harmony or Upheaval" provides a
collection of prophecies from Her Holiness. She
shares urgent and vital information to help mankind
understand and prepare for upcoming earth changes,
natural and manmade disasters as well as social,
political and economic events worldwide. She
foretells what lies ahead. She says that mankind
has choice in the outcome of these forecasts. By
being aware, people have the opportunity to "stop
the train," or "slow it down" by
bringing about change or, if necessary, to "get
off the track" to let it go by. She gives
her prophecies to allow people to be in their own
empowerment and to be in a state of preparedness.
Never does she give prophecies to generate fear in
people - only to empower them!

Etherean Travellers and the Magical Child" is a story
of hope for the soul and humanity. It offers people a
chance to expand their spiritual horizons, to take
away the fear of death and dying, to become aware and
empowered so that they can overcome all things. A
unique book, it draws readers back to reread it
time and time again, gaining underlying subtle
insights each time.
Her Holiness
Alexandra wrote this book under the name given her by First Nations -
Thunderbird Woman.

from the Soul: Treasures of Truth" is the
first in a series of small books that you can carry in
your pocket or purse. It includes short writings
of spiritual wisdom from Her Holiness Alexandra that
will empower and inspire you. Just open the book to
any page and allow your spirit to be enriched and
for new pocket books in this "Etherean Pocket
Gems" series of publications to be listed here. |