In the Words of the Saoshyant
was sent by the All Divine, All Perfect in the
universe, as a messenger and mother for
humanity. I come with true love for
humanity and the planet and understand the great
difficulties which exist in a place where true
spirituality is hard for most to understand.
This is a time when the mechanized world is
ripping people away from their divine soul
frequencies and where certain powers upon the
planet are making existence for the divine - the
gentle beings - a hard-to-travel journey in a
"me" oriented society. If they
could take the freedom of your soul - of your
very being - and commercialize it, these powers
would all too happily engage in robbing humanity
of its highest divinity. It is the weak
and spiritually feeble who need the help from
the most beloved upon the planet.
these ever-so-vast and fast-changing times, only
those who are spiritually sound and centred, who
have true understanding and love and who do not
engage in narcissistic behaviour or religious
bigotry, will become the perfect lights on the
planet. For you who are there as gentle beings,
I call upon you to assist with your great light,
love and compassion to warm the hearts of those
who live on an ever so "me" oriented
planet - a planet where selfish harshness allows
the molestation of young, innocent souls.
The very small ones need love and protection and
must not be spiritually, emotionally or sexually
raped by a confused, abused and distorted race
which is empty of spirituality, filled with
rage, lonely and in desperate need of finding
their way back to the divine spirit and soul
connection within. I call upon your loving
natures to assist in equalizing our love for
everyone by recognizing the great inner enemy
and thus abandoning selfish attitudes.
welcome you to join the wise millions who
recognize that a difference can be made today
upon this planet by coming together for the
betterment of the all and by ending the narcissistic,
grandstanding "me" society. The
spiritually enlightened need to help humanity
return to compassion, kindness and goodness, for
people have lost the way of gracious and gentle
great kindness and respect for life, the planet
and the universe, by the desire for pure love,
by cherishing others equally regardless of
gender, race, creed or colour, and by now
standing together, we can offer divine victory
over hatred, wars, discrimination and dark acts.
Together we can create peace upon the planet and
return to the teachings brought by Zarathustra
and now by myself as the ever loving Saoshyant.
Prepare, for by the year 2012 the Gods of old
will return to the planet and pave the way for
the return of the All of the All in the
Thoughts :: Good Words ::
Good Deeds :: No Killing
for All :: Change ::
Living the Highest Light of One's Soul
here for Farsi Translation
No Fear ... Be at Peace ... Be
Empowered in Your Own Pureness
all souls, weak and strong, pure and falling or
even fallen, to be free of religions and to be
spiritually awakened during these changing
times. So many have come to grade
themselves. Let me say, let not one grade
him or herself. Hear with your heart and
act in wisdom with your soul.
call you all in compassion to raise yourself up
to end all hatred and life-destroying
confusions. Have a pure life, living in
discipline, with reasoned actions free of all killing
in pure soul growth. Let us see the times
of great suffering as an opportunity of growth
for all humanity. Come free of killing,
mean actions and greediness. So many are in
need to calm living.
is the time to be aware of past- created
religions born out of hatred and wars and greedy
creations of a form of control over people who
are not able to find the path of truth. We
need to know Creator. Humanity, over time,
had many messengers come to the planet.
And this time we need to be more awakened for
our soul's safety. There are so many changing
conditions and fear tactics used to have you
leave the
empowered paths of self knowing and of knowing what is
no more killing, no warring or greedy,
selfish ways. Know that you are good and free
of all evil deeds. Not one child, man or
woman should be used to create wars or hatred or
to take a life or be made to kill one another or
to harm a human being. They are Creator's
own. Stop the hatred.
who seek pure karma need to know that more than 10,000 years ago the planet was warned to
change and a polar shift took place. Now again you are
at the time of shifting and it has already
begun. The water upon the earth plane will
change directions. Some places will warm.
Others will cool down. Greediness is great
and fear again is growing. Earthquakes are
rising in many places.
During these times
compassion needs to rise again. Honour
needs to be thoughtfully passed on to the new
generations. Work on your soul for your
own life to be pure.
The story or doctrine
of Josephus that was given to mankind is false.
Zarathustra said no killing. Moses was
told to not kill and he changed it since he was
part of the new Jesus- created religion.
Many offshoots have since changed the wish of Creator
for people
to live pure, honourable lives. Princes
had wars for power and kingdoms of religions.
- this year - is the time to change the course
of your life for the better. Stop hatred and
ban killing around the planet. Use T.V. as the messenger for Creator, learning to have
respect for the elders who learned to reason and
desire peace. Save the pure life of women
and men and guide children to say no to wars and
to have pure bodies.
Why have so much
confusion about races and racism? The
planet is controlled by the greedy, the money-hungry
and by control freaks who belong in the belief of
One World Order and slavery of the masses by the
governments to come.
those who are in the
know will be in their power with seeds in fields,
water purifiers, a safe place out of direct view or
if in a place of action, not sticking out. Educate
family and friends. Know that change is on
the way. It will not last long, but long
enough to discourage many - maybe 25 to 50 years
in Canada, 100 years in the USA and 35 years in
Europe. There will be many religious
problems with
great wars spreading to North America and to
other countries suffering from wars of religions
which have begun in many countries and
will still keep exploding hatred seeded by the
dark forces.
Hunger and homelessness,
war and
hatred is created to cut back the world
population. Now is the time for all
to realise living from pure soul. Know
that the human soul is immortal and forever lasting.
It will evolve to be at peace
and will celebrate life in pure harmony and
joyful peace without ending. Be
mature to attain this light by the way one
decides to live life in pure consciousness,
making the right decisions and by taking pure actions. Karma is an
ancient worldly way of saying to be
empowered in your daily actions by pure thought, actions of harmony and
by being custodians of the
planet - in peace.
need to delve into the challenges that life and our
personal experiences present, the today
changes, the great difficulties we encounter
people around our planet and the foretold
wars. We need all kind, kindred spirits
to be one - to support each other and to promote
harmony and freedom from terror and racial

Holiness is known by people in India as Om Shree Shanti A Deva
Holiness is an enlightened master who was known and
has been known as the prophet and enlightened one
since the age of three. She was foretold to come
during these times to guide and transform lives
worldwide. Her lucid, logical and practical
commentaries have and are providing pure and deep
insight to all who hear her speak. She was known
to come and is acclaimed to be, by students of old
teachings, here to guide us, attain to be knowing and
stay in a blissful state. She has guided
millions into the know and to have peace and healing -
to conquer stress and attain love."
Sri Bishnu C. Yogananda
Creator Calls
call your soul into remembering that never in this
universe was there a time when I did not exist in you, or
in all life, stars, planets and galaxies.
Nor shall my Gods and Goddesses cease to be.
Your soul shall grow in divinity when you live
in pureness and harmony.
Do not ever grieve over the body or earthly
goods. Just
rejoice over the soul, spirit and pure mind and
actions atma and cry for mistakes and pray for
a new journey of kindness.
so just as it is, atma will pass from birth of the
body to old age on to the after dead. After
freedom of the body, so will the soul be empowered
when pure life begins after death of the body
first as a mirror of the body on the earth plane or
the same on another planet. Whatever the body
progressed to, shall it still be seen when old to
be seen old, when young to be seen young.
And not forget that he or she will be seen
after death as called spirit.
Then there will be
another achievement and progress to perfection. One must progress to be in calm and wisdom and not be
disturbed by the three forms of misery of attachment
--- to know one owns nothing, that one is to live life in
pure sanctity and peace and not to be entrapped by
darkness of material being and to seek life to be pure
and understanding spiritual life. Giving is
receiving, sharing in pure, connecting of the good and
sweetness of souls - not of greed of what is not to be
taken into the afterlife, where joy is to have total
I, of my souls pure hand,
harmony together in bliss - bliss without wars and
greed for all in elated harmony stillness.
We are of one Creation, of one connected divine All of
All Pure, banning more karma on our lives and planet.
I call all to peaceful life and greed-free living.
Meditation is a need to calm the soul.

My Soul to Your Soul
all come from one source in the universes.
All choose a path knowingly or unknowingly.
Many choose a path which is a very winding road,
but when consciousness awakens they can climb a
straight road to the top. If conscious
living is focused on religion and being
programmed, then one ends up entrapped upon and
around the planet and universes, having to
rework ones holy destiny.
that there is no death but there are valleys of
learning and some are very severe. My advice to
all is to learn to listen to your soul.
Live slower, more consciously, stopping all
hatred, confusion and suffering.
empowered will read on through this site.
The confused will run.
Holiness Blog for more insights