> The Beginning
> Prophetic Abilities
> Miracle Healings
> Divine Intervention
> Awakener of Divine Realisation
> Humanitarian
> What the World is Saying
> Mother to Humanity
> How Information is Accessed
> Does she proclaim herself holy?
> Vision
> Mission
> The work
as the Saoshyant
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The Saoshyant™
bringer of healing, balance, change and peace...

in codes within ancient religious and
spiritual writings are specific references
as to the identity of the Saoshyant.
research undertaken by a NASA engineer and
others yielded amazing evidence that
specifically references Her Holiness
Alexandra Hehpsehboah in
Zarathustrian, ancient Tibetan Buddhist,
Vedic, Hebrew, Biblical and other
place and date of "birth,"
reference to her as a Holy Messenger, her
First Nations' name - Thunderbird Woman -
and more appeared in the detailed searches
conducted, leaving no doubt as to her
arrival is a prophecy fulfilled and this
is the time foretold that she will go out
amongst the masses. |
Parents Selected
in the early 1930s, an aristocratic family
living in Den Haag, Holland was visited by
a rabbi, priest and astrologer. The
husband and wife were a most unusual
pairing. She was a First Nations' Mi'kmaq
Princess who was raised in the Hebrew faith
and he was an industrialist blueblood from
one of the oldest families in Europe.
couple was told that in seven years she
would give birth to a stillborn infant and
that this infant's body would be used by a
holy one sent by the Creator as a
messenger to the world, who would be here
for the great times of change ahead. They
were told that they would be custodial
parents to the holy being as opposed to
real parents in the traditional sense of
the word. These same three visited the
couple again in Oisterwijk seven months
before the birth and finally in Soestdijk
seven days before the birth.
to what had been foretold, 7 years from
the initial contact, the custodial mother
was about to give birth. The couple had been visiting Rotterdam,
where their pleasure craft was moored,
when she went into labour. They went to a
local Roman Catholic hospital where she
was placed in a private delivery room.
During the labour the medical staff
witnessed myriads of beautiful sparkling
and vibrating golden and multi-coloured
balls of light floating within the room,
accompanied by the angelic sound of soft,
tinkling bells. They were in wonderment of
what was going on but had no idea of what
was about to transpire. Some of the
nuns fell to their knees.
custodial mother gave birth to a stillborn
baby girl. This infant exited her body
completely wrapped in a veil, which once
opened, was revealed to have 7 corners.
As the medics and nuns touched the veil,
golden sparks of light filled the room.
The custodial mother knew the prophecy was
being fulfilled and demanded that the
infant's body not be removed from the
birthing room. Reluctantly, hospital staff
abided her wishes. They swaddled the body
in a blanket and lay it beside the mother.
Several hours passed. The infant's body
was lifeless and had cooled down. Finally,
one of the nuns insisted that enough time
had passed and that they were going to
take the body. She lifted it up and
started to walk out of the room.
miraculously, the infant suddenly came to
life. Translucent figures of light -
angelic-type manifestations - appeared
within the room. The doctors and nuns were
incredulous, calling it a miracle.
The custodial mother knew the journey of
the holy being on earth had commenced.
Holiness came equipped with access to
universal knowledge for the betterment of
mankind and soul knowledge for
individuals' soul growth. At the tender
age of three and a half and already well
known for her prophetic abilities and
knowingness, she was put to work. Her
custodial father would sit her on his desk
and a stream of clergy, dignitaries and
officials would come to ask her questions
stretching from early morning until late
at night. She answered as an adult in a
child's body.
Her Holiness was five years old, World War
II was in full swing. Her custodial
father was a leader of the Dutch
underground and she was now used in a new
capacity, giving safekeeping information
to the underground that resulted in
thousands of lives being saved. From
advising how the war originated and about
the players involved, to how to move
people safely out of town, where to move
sending stations, which bridge the invader
would be coming across, or when/where SS
house raids would be taking place, Her
Holiness was soon dubbed "The Little
Prophet Extraordinaire" by European
For more than 60 years, Her Holiness
Alexandra Hehpsehboah has been renowned as
a prophet and has foretold of earth
changes, wars and conflicts as well as
economic, social and political events with
amazing accuracy. In 1964, she created her
first Map of the Future, further updated
in 1971, which gives a detailed projection
of impending natural and man-made
disasters and safety areas. As those
who follow her forecasts can attest, they
are being fulfilled on a daily basis. She
also exposes corruption and injustice,
which in conjunction with her prophecies,
puts her earthly existence at constant
around Her Holiness recognized that from a
young age unexplainable healings occurred when
people were in her presence. Although
during her childhood and adolescent years the
emphasis was on receiving from her the huge
amount of information she could access, by
1961 the world began to know and understand
the tremendous healing energies radiating from
her. People received great physical,
emotional and spiritual healing benefits
merely by being in her energy. They
would line up for blocks whenever they found
out where she lived, hoping for a glimpse of,
or touch from, her. The spiritually
evolved recognize the gold light that emanates
from her. Word spread of the miraculous
healings which took place.
who have met Her Holiness feel that she
immediately knows everything there is to know
about them. She touches their lives in such a
remarkable way that profound change is often
the result.
Holiness has known that when she reached 65
years of age she would, as divinely mandated,
reach out to help heal souls en mass for this
would be the time when the great changes upon
the planet would escalate and mankind would be
in most need of spiritual upliftment and
renewal. This time is now upon us.
Holiness' earthly body has been declared dead on five separate
occasions. Several drowning incidents occurred - once at 7
years old, another at 9 and a final at 13. Each saw a
lifeless and limp body, which had been proclaimed dead,
miraculously return to life.
she was 9, her body already having suffered greatly from the
ravages and deprivations of war, she returned to her celestial
home for several hours. When she returned to earth it was to the
utter amazement of medical staff and her custodial father who had
been summoned upon hearing of her death.
long after WW II ended, Her Holiness was left alone sleeping while
the people of the house went to the first carnival parade
following the war. A young dog pulled a coat from the back of a
chair and it fell against the heater, causing a fire to
start. The dog ran out and the house quickly filled with
smoke. She was awakened by a light being from the other
world who directed her to hold onto her little bird in its cage,
and then lifted her out of bed and carried her out of the house to
Many times during her life
people have been given evidence of divine intervention in Her
Holiness' existence.
Awakener of
Divine Self Realization

Her Holiness brings empowering
self realization to those seeking enlightenment. She guides people in attaining true
enlightenment through active awakening of communication and
interaction between soul, spirit, mind, brain and body and
of bringing them into balance by living through pure
divinity instead of through confusion and
emotions. She calls
all to come together during this time of great universal
change so that the resulting vibration can cover the
planet, calm emotions and raise true spirituality
once more. |
The Humanitarian
Holiness has spent a lifetime in selfless service to humanity - a tireless doer who has
moved and worked amongst the people. She was the one bringing home the homeless - be they people or
animals - and has worked over these many years to help the sick, the
disenfranchised and those with no voice to be heard.
She has taken people in off the streets and
helped them to turn their lives around, be they drug users, alcoholics,
murderers, or people who have suffered from all forms of abuse. At one point,
she had up to forty people a day coming to her home, where she gave them a
chance to bathe, be clothed and fed, allowing them to leave the next day with
renewed dignity and self esteem.
She set up the first soup kitchens in Canada, established suicide prevention
lines on native reserves, delivered truckloads of food and supplies to native
peoples in the midst of (-30°
C) Canadian winter storms, established a chapter of Amnesty International in a
place where no one had been able to do so before, saw many people through
court situations, and much more.... Her Holiness has inspired people the
world over to take up causes and work to make things happen to help those in
need. Her love for people has never ceased.
What the World
is Saying
In 2004, Her Holiness
was recognized as a divine being.
The Zarathustrians (Zoroastrians) from Persia and India who watched her prophecies over the years, heard
of the miraculous healings and of those awakened from the
dead, knew that the long awaited prophet - the Saoshyant
- had arrived.
From before birth and onwards she has been
recognized as a holy being.


In the 1980s, Victor North
Elder and Medicine Man on the Brocket Reserve in
Alberta, Canada, looked out his window in the midst of a fierce
winter storm to see a car had slid to a stop in front
of his home.
He said to nearby Huey, "Look,
look above the car at the huge Thunderbird. That is a holy
woman. Go and bring her in to see me."
That night Victor named Her Holiness "Thunderbird
Woman" - meaning
messenger between the Great Spirit and humanity. She
was later named International Peace Speaker
for First Nations' Red Web Society
when the sacred white and red calves were born, thus
prompting reactivation of the ancient society.
The elderly scholar and
survivor of Nazi concentration camps, Rabbi Kalmar, recognized
Her Holiness as the "Lady Meshiah" and an
orator of kindness, compassion and change in the tradition of
Beruria. Other Hebrew rabbis
and people from the Jewish community have also called her the
Lady Meshiah, saying nowhere was it written that the Meshiah
must be a man.


Those who saw
recounted that during spring in Europe on the 7th to the 8th day an orb travelled
through the heavens and entered the earth's atmosphere.
It formed itself into a white
tiger coming in from the west, heading over the mountains
to the east, passing over the hospital. People saw
how a round rainbow formed itself over the hospital. Otherworldly beings
were observed in the room - beings of light - the shining
ones who came to stand by the divine one- the holy one - who came for this
time to remind us of the All of the All, to bring justice on earth and awaken
great spirituality. When Chinese sages and
astrologers see Her Holiness, they recognize her as the "Holy
White Tiger." |

Many yogis from India who
have met Her Holiness recognize her energies as those of Shiva,
Vishnu and Krishna combined and feel a surge of joy and divine
enlightenment in her presence. They have called her the "Great
Light for Humanity." |
To the India community
she is known as Om Shree Shanti A Deva Dutta, meaning God's
Holy Messenger of Peace.


Over the years, lamas
with spiritual sight have excitedly yet respectfully
approached and acknowledged Her Holiness. Some elderly Tibetan
Lamas have called her "The Great Lotus of the Universe
Who Has Unfolded" who is here and will walk amongst us,
but who will not return again." Her Holiness has had
invitations from the Buddhist community to give her refuge,
but explained her choice of path is that with the All of the
All - the Divine Creator - and all of his/her Creations. |
1962, Her Holiness
entered St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican. As she walked down
the midship, an elderly priest came out from the pew where he had been seated, prostrated
himself before her and said, "Master, Master, I waited so
long. With one word from you, I know all my sins will be
forgiven." Her response was, "One must forgive oneself and ask the All of the All
for compassion and understanding, and so start a better life
from this point on, without sin." Then a younger
monk also came out from the pews and prostrated himself before
her and said, "I waited and knew I would see you. In my
prayers, I pleaded to see you. This is a great day in my life," to which she responded, "A great day for the soul
is every day one does good deeds." In
1973, the personal secretary for Pope Paul VI came to New
Westminster, Canada and invited Her Holiness to accompany him
on private jet back to Vatican to meet the Pope. She politely
declined, saying she had already seen enough there and that
the All of the All is the father of the universe. Another
(unsuccessful) attempt was made by Rome to invite her during
the short reign of Pope John Paul I. She did, however, believe
that this Pope was a kind spirit.
In the early 1990s
at Robson Square Conference Centre in Vancouver Canada,
Her Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah was invited to attend a lecture,
along with some of her devotees, being presented by Shri
Mataji Nirmala Devi.


When Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was
carried onto the stage she saw Her Holiness seated in
the audience. She promptly came down from the stage, went over
to Her Holiness and bowed before her. She then told
the packed audience
that there was no need for her to speak since the “holy one had come”
and left the room without doing her lecture. |

** |
upon thousands who have listened to Her Holiness speak know her to be powerful,
compelling and inspiring and that her message is life
changing. She awakens people on a spiritual level to what is really happening in the world today,
the agendas at play and how history has been
selectively adjusted. |
She alerts them as
to what the future holds in store and, by offering
solutions, she empowers people to
effect change. Encouraging people to abandon their hatred, anger, and confusion,
she says that mankind must become aware, desire change
and choose change in order to create a
world of peace and compassion, free of racism, prejudice and religious
Often compared
with Mahatma Gandhi by the media for her message and work towards
peaceful change, she too has suffered great wrath
from those who do not want to see people
educated or empowered. Her knowingness of
people's thoughts and conditions as well as of their
past, current and future actions often puts her
existence at great risk for the ones who have much to
hide, or who are corrupt and fear exposure, or who are
insecure and afraid of her knowledge, will attack
her. Yet, through all the trials and
tribulations of her extraordinary life, her love for
humanity and desire to bring about peaceful change has
never wavered. She touches people's lives in
such a remarkable way that profound change inevitably
Mother to
Advocating kindness,
compassion and respect for all, Her Holiness Alexandra
brings the great joy of motherly energy to the planet and is
known around the world as the "Mother to
Humanity." Her love radiates and embraces
all who are in need. And, as an earthly mother would
pull back a child about to step off the curb into oncoming
traffic, Her Holiness alerts humanity to dangers ahead and
gives them an opportunity for preparedness and change.
She says that this is the time upon
the planet to awaken the feminine within each and everyone
in order to bring change and force an end to hellish
conditions for women, men and children upon the planet and
create peace amongst all life here. Healing the planet and
healing the feminine within each and every being awakens the
pureness and goodness in the collective.
Her Holiness'
and installment as the long awaited one is accepted by all
saintly beings for this coming Aquarian age. |
How Information is
a divine being, Her Holiness arrived equipped with all knowingness of
the planet and the destiny humanity is creating for itself.
within the New Age community have attempted to label her, based on their
understanding of otherworldly communication. However, no labels
apply. She is not a medium, channeller, psychic or intuitive. She
does not enter into a trance-like state to receive information, nor give
up control in any way of her earthly body. She does not connect with
so-called ascended masters, nor does she use any tools (such as tarot
cards, crystal balls, Akashic Records, etc.). Her connection is
one with Creator and all of Creation.
She Proclaim Herself Holy?
she does not proclaim herself holy. But
there are many who have, including
Zararthustrians who recognize her as the
Saoshyant, First Nations' elders and
medicine men, yogis from India, Tibetan
lamas, NASA engineer, Rabbis, Chinese and
western astrologers, Padre Pio,
Krishnamurti, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and
more. |