of change are upon us. Hastening of foretold
events is occurring. It is time that people of
common peaceful intent come together.
memberships are available for people who are
interested in coming together and being part of
the Etherean Soul Federation at an introductory
level. This affords both the person and the
organisation a chance to get to know one
another. One of the offerings of entry-level
memberships is an opportunity to build a good
spiritual foundation that can later be expanded
upon, with accompanying instructions and guidance.
We do ask that all prospective entry-level members
first read Her Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah's
book, "Be
in the Know" in order to ensure that
the person resonates with information Her Holiness
inquiries, please email info@saoshyant.org
Memberships in the Etherean Soul Federation are
available for spiritually-balanced people who
desire to bring positive change and who want to be
part of a collective better tomorrow. In
order to survive the difficult times ahead, it
will become imperative for people to come together
as an "us" versus "me" society
and to help one another in all ways. We seek
honourable people with integrity and respect for
all who are interested in becoming part of,
preparing for, and ushering in the Golden New Age.
about safety areas worldwide and preparedness.
Be part of new-tomorrow villages for safe living
which will be set up around the world for those of
like-mind and good intent. In times ahead,
it will be of paramount importance to know you can
trust and count on those in your community.
those who are seeking a higher level of spiritual
understanding, who wish to become spiritually
empowered and who are willing to work for the
common good of all, this is your opportunity to
receive additional, privileged information and to
be part of a one-of-a-kind organization that
embraces the guiding
principles of the First
Zarathustrian Way.
full membership is a commitment to yourself as
well as the organization, we ask that all
prospective members first read Her Holiness
Alexandra Hehpsehboah's book, "Be
in the Know."
members will be screened for suitability. For
inquiries, please email info@saoshyant.org
will receive a beautiful complimentary Etherean
Soul Federation Faravahar pin, blessed by Her
Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah and symbolizing
good thoughts, good words, good deeds and no
killing. Become empowered and help empower others
in your life to bring CHANGE.

by Rafael Ferri (www.matchstudio.com)
Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah presents Mayor Sam
Sullivan, City of Vancouver, with Honorary
Membership in the Etherean Soul Federation
by Rafael Ferri (www.matchstudio.com)
presented by Her Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah to
Mayor Sam Sullivan in recognition of his peace