Remote Healing
is remote healing?
healing is a method of healing from a distance with no physical intervention
does remote healing work?
healing is conducted on a spiritual level by highly evolved spiritual souls who
can access healing energies and direct them to a person, an animal or an area
that requires healing, and for which healing has been requested.
Can I receive remote healing?
Her Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah is well known for her remote healing abilities and offers
this service to those who request it. The
list is long of those who have had tumors, cancer or debilitating diseases
“miraculously” disappear. In
some cases immediate healing occurs. In
other cases it occurs over a period of time. People often refer to H.H.
Alexandra Hehpsehboah as the "Miracle Worker."
H. H. Alexandra H. heal objects and animals as well? Yes,
Her Holiness has been asked to heal numerous conditions. The famous crystal skull
below (one of only a couple in the world) was given energy by Her Holiness to
return its healing power and lustre prior to Ana Mitchell-Hedges (its custodian)
taking it with her on a trip to England. The picture on the right reflects the
skull after it received healing. Interestingly, it has been known that people
who touch the skull have experienced great healing and major transformations in
their lives. Even people who observe and touch its photo and contemplate
about themselves, have experienced the same.


Ana Mitchell-Hedges, custodian of
the quartz crystal skull discovered on F.A. Mitchell-Hedges expedition
of Lubaantun, British Honduras in 1924. |
The crystal skull after H.. H.
Alexandra Hehpsehboah gave her holy Etherean energy to it to restore its healing energy.


Owl - Gold
Spirit Cat |
Click on spirit images for
enlarged views. |
Her Holiness gave her holy Etherean healing energy to the above large, clear
crystal lotus. While the crystal rested on the same piece of deep purple cloth,
the first image turned gold - a manifestation of Her Holiness' gold energy. When
you enlarge the image you will see in the centre a manifestation of a spirit
owl. In the second photo, also once enlarged, you will see the image of a
spirit cat. Spirit manifestations are evident in the photos - an Etherean
gift of evidence of continued life beyond this world.
has helped many animals to wellness. In one case, a Chihuahua - a tiny
Mexican breed - was run over by a car. It appeared to onlookers that the
dog was dead. Its intestines lay outside its body. Her Holiness
stepped off the sidewalk, picked up the dog and raised it up to offer it to the
Creator. Moments later it sprung back to life, to the great amazement of
the people watching. They called it a miracle. Request
Remote Healing
In order to request remote healing, please
and provide your name, location, your current condition and what you
would like help in healing.
H.H. Alexandra Hehpsehboah includes you on her healing list immediately upon
receipt of your request. While each request may not be responded
to in writing, given the volume of mail received, please know
that Her Holiness and the Etherean Beings are at work behind the
scenes to assist you.
view the picture and contemplate your healing. Souls are
connected throughout the universe and by wishing positivity and
healing, it can manifest. Say your prayers dutifully to
the Creator.
note: No
claim is made by H.H. Alexandra H. regarding the success of remote healing. Remote
healing is not offered as a replacement for allopathic or alternative medical advice or services and does not preclude you going to your family