in Hand, Heart to Heart
the World for Global Peace
H.H. Alexandra H.
Holiness Alexandra Hehpsehboah's vision is of a new tomorrow – a world where
humanity lives in peace, harmony and spiritual attunement, where respect exists
for all of creation, where global suffering is eliminated and dignity is
restored for the disenfranchised, and where true soul growth is facilitated.
Holiness' mission, predefined
before her arrival on earth, is to educate mankind about
their true past, their current conditions and future
possibilities; to effect peaceful change, to help bring
about global peace; and to raise mankind into their own
spiritual empowerment and soul growth.
Holiness works to:
Assist during these times of
turbulence and change to give information, comfort and guidance to the
masses. Educate people about Mother Earth's
rebellion at having been raped of her resources, robbed of her animal and plant life and
poisoned by greed ... and of the powerfully elite who threaten this planet's
survival and mankind's existence with their depopulation agenda.
people into their highest intelligence to use their own spiritual
transformance to have a more abundant, peaceful and secure life - not through empty symbolic gestures
such as hugging but rather through living with
compassion, wisdom and respect for life.
Alert people
of those who will be coming to this planet - some with wonderful
intent such as the Ethereans, and others whose agenda, if left unchecked, will
attempt to enslave and victimize the earth population. Alert, as well, of those
on earth who would attempt to enslave others.
people that the Creator's wish "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
paramount to abide by, and that killing and murder are the same. Killing is
killing however mankind attempts to justify it. Educate people to become
vegetarians, as the Creator intended.
Awaken peace in the hearts of every man, woman and especially of every child by
teaching them to walk in the moccasins of those who live nearby or far
away. Raise
people's compassion in order to heal all ancient wounds and prevent future ones.
Help to bring global peace so all can dance in the sun and rejoice in a
gentle rain.